state cup

"I went for a walk around the block to stretch my tired old legs, passing a scrap metal dealer with a second hand shop.
I was keen to look around old and interesting things. I spent some time there and located a box of scrap items sitting near one of the large scrap bins.
The cup was the largest item in a box of steel kitchen tools, pans, saucepans and many other small metal items. It was lying on its side, half covered in scrap with it's handle clearly visible, as if to say pick me, pick me.... So I did".

Terrence Hickey 2016

This is, without doubt, the most important moment in the story of the NSW State Cup.

This trophy was the crowning glory for the best football teams in Australia from 1928 to 1940. Teams on this Cup include Adamstown, Cessnock, Goodyear, Metters, Wallsend and Weston.
It represents a time when football in the north of NSW was king and our teams the best. It also signifies a change in the football landscape with the appearance of 'factory teams' from Sydney such as Goodyear & Metters.

Over the next few months we will continue to update the amazing story of this Cup, Terry Hickey's vision, our Club's role and the bright, safe, future of this piece of history.

Pictured above with the Cup (L to R): Duncan Nisbet, Terry Hickey, Rod Henderson.

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